
Every year since 1966, the American Association of Suicidology and its members have gathered in locations across the country to share the latest research, applications, and outcomes from the field of suicide prevention. These experts are made up of loss survivors, attempt survivors, researchers, public health professionals, crisis services workers, students, and everyone in between.

AAS21 is the 54th Annual Conference, April 21 – 24, 2021. The conference will take place  both in person in Orlando, FL at the Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista Hotel and also virtually for those across the globe. This hybrid approach will enable AAS to critically broaden its conference impact at such a pivotal time. At its annual conference, AAS provides the time and space for everyone - clinicians, researchers, those with lived experience, public health officials, and others - to connect and learn about ways in which we can all address the rising rate of suicide in the US and abroad while also discovering ways to create a world worth living in.

The Suicide Prevention Australia Symposium 2021 presents a unique opportunity to bring the brightest minds together with the latest thinking to promote excellence in suicide prevention. This online event provides a gateway to unite suicide prevention experts to showcase evidence-based solutions and robust discussion, focused on solutions for saving lives.

Given the challenges and uncertainly posed by COVID19, our annual National Suicide Prevention Conference will be replaced by the symposium in 2021. The theme, ‘Gateway to Excellence’, is aligned with our commitment to enhance best practice. Striving for excellence in suicide prevention is imperative for delivering safe, high quality and consistent standards of care.

Held on 19-22 April 2021, this online symposium will attract around 500 delegates to hear from international keynote speakers, participate in workshops and collaborate with their peers.

The symposium will focus on the themes of:

• Stigma, mental ill-health and suicide;
• Psychological and social risk factors;
• Postvention and exposure to suicide; and
• Support and care to vulnerable population groups.

Roses in the Ocean is proud to bring to you the Lived Experience of Suicide Summit 2021. This two day event will be held on the Gold Coast and will provide the opportunity to further explore and progress lived experienced integration in suicide prevention policy, research, services and initiatives. Be sure not to miss our fabulous lead-in event to the International Association for Suicide Prevention World Congress.

Our Lived Experience of Suicide Summit 2021 will be held at the RACV Royal Pines Resort on the Gold Coast from the 19-20 September 2021.

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