
PfL Logo Final 2022

The Partnerships for Life webinar series promotes learning on best practice and effective interventions in relation to the implementation of suicide prevention strategies and programmes.

Our bi-monthly #PartnershipsForLife webinar series is designed to offer insightful discussion on suicide prevention strategies globally. Register for upcoming webinars below.

Upcoming Webinars

20 AUGUST 2024


Partnerships for Life Webinar Series 25 June 8AM

25 June 2024

This webinar was co-chaired by Dr Lakshmi Vijayakumar and Professor Paul Yip.

  • Professor Thilini Rajapakse, Chair Professor of Psychiatry,  University of Peradeniya. Topic: Lessons learnt: Suicide and self-harm in Sri Lanka.
  • Dr Lakmini de Silva, Research Associate at the South Asian Clinical Toxicology Research Collaboration, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya. Topic: Lessons learnt: Suicide and self-harm in Sri Lanka.
  • Esther Cheung, Project Coordinator of the MDW Recharge Hub Project. Topic: Migrant domestic worker (MDW) peer leaders as gatekeepers for suicide prevention.
Partnerships for Life Webinar Series 23 APRIL 2024

23 April 2024

The webinar was co-chaired by Professor Murad Khan and Professor Joseph Osafo. 

  • Professor Kazem Malakouti, Professor of Psychiatry at Iran University for Medical Sciences. Topic: The Achievements and the Challenges of suicide prevention programs in Iran.

  • Dr Johnny Andoh-Arthur, Senior Lecturer of Social and Community Psychology at the Department of Psychology, University of Ghana. Topic: Between Patriarchy and Pragmatism: Navigating Research and Prevention of Male Suicide in Africa.
Partnerships for Life Webinar Series

28 February 2024

  • Dr Steve Platt, Emeritus Professor, Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, Partnerships for Life: an introduction to IASP’s flagship global initiative. 
  • The Joint Action (JA) on Implementation of Best Practices in the Area of Mental Health -JA ImpleMENTAL. 
    • Dr Alexander Grabenhofer-Eggerth, Head of the Department of Psychosocial Health at the Austrian National Public Health Institute (GÖG), An Introduction to JA ImpleMENTAL. 
    • Faith Thompson, Trimbos Institute Netherlands, Theory of Change methodology in the evaluation of suicide prevention strategies 
  • Dr Karen Scavacini, CEO of the Vita Alere Institute for Suicide Prevention and Postvention, Brazil, Brazil’s National Suicide Prevention Strategy: Progress and Challenges 
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