The IASP Executive Committee has commissioned an organisational evaluation of IASP to obtain valid information about the performance of the association, the factors that affect performance and recommendations for future development.
IASP Australasian Research Workshop 2023
The IASP Australasian Research Workshop 2023 aimed to develop collaboration among experts, industry leaders, and early career researchers (ECRs).
World Suicide Prevention Day
Globally, an estimated 703,000 people die by suicide each year among which 77% of the deaths occur in low-and middle-income countries (WHO 2022). These global suicide rates are a serious public health concern. Every life lost to suicide creates a devastating impact to families, communities, and nations. To highlight this issue […]
International Association for Suicide Prevention 32nd World Congress, Piran, Slovenia
The International Association for Suicide Prevention today hosts the official launch for the 32nd IASP World Congress in partnership with the University of Primorska, Andrej Marušič Institute, Slovene Centre for Suicide Research.
World Suicide Prevention Day 2022 Campaign
September is here! For IASP, World Suicide Prevention Day is more than just one day and our awareness period continues until World Mental Health Day on the 10th October. We are delighted to share with our supporters the new World Suicide Prevention Day Awareness Film.
Calling all IASP Members!
The Election process for the period 2023 – 2026 is now open. Emails have been sent out with form for nominating IASP members for the Executive Committee 2023-2026.
Special Interest Group: Lived Experience
It is common for people with a lived experience of suicide to experience heightened emotions surrounding their lived experience of bereavement, their own suicidality or being a carer, at times of hardship, uncertainty and challenge.
Suicide Research Methods: A Comprehensive Overview
Suicide remains a complex and persistent public health problem globally. Research is essential to enhance our understanding of suicide and its prevention.
IASP’s Protocol for Responding to Global and Cross-National Public Health Emergencies and Natural Disasters
In April 2020, Professor Murad Khan, the then IASP President, in response to the threats to global mental health and the risk of suicidal behaviour resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, established a Presidential Special Task Force on COVID-19 (PSTFC).