- If you are feeling suicidal, you are not alone and there is support available. You deserve to feel supported.
- Experiencing thoughts of suicide/self-harm is very distressing, if you are considering suicide or self-harm or are in danger, please call your local emergency services immediately to ensure your safety.
- Talking about how you are feeling could help alleviate some of your distress. You might want to talk to someone close to you. Or if you prefer you could speak to volunteers who have been trained to listen by contacting a helpline (many services offer a range of mediums such as text, email, calls, or face-to-face).
- It is also important to recognise the value of seeing a mental health professional. They can provide you with a range of interventions and support on a more long-term basis.
- Some people find it helpful to create a “safety plan”. This is a tool developed for helping someone navigate suicidal feelings and urges.
- There are ways in which you can show that you care by reaching in and supporting someone in a suicidal crisis.
- When a person tells you that they are suicidal you must take them seriously.
- If you are worried that somebody is suicidal, you can ask them if you feel comfortable doing so. Research shows that talking to someone openly about suicide does not increase their risk of suicide.
- If you are comfortable speaking with them about suicide, try to use clear and direct language, for example, “I care a lot about you, do you feel suicidal?”
- People with lived experience of suicide highlight how helpful it is to have someone to talk to who listens. It is not about coming up with solutions, but about listening to the person and supporting them explore options for seeking help and safety.
- It is important to encourage helpseeking behaviour and linking to professional support. You can help the person you are supporting by being there for them when they call a helpline or make an appointment with a health professional.
- It is also critical that you look after your own mental health and well-being and seek support of your own.
What are suicidal thoughts and do I need help for them?
Jed Foundation
Suicidal feelings
Creating a 'safety plan'
Vibrant Emotional Health
How to help a friend who may be feeling suicidal
Jed Foundation
Supporting someone with suicidal thoughts