Bhutan has launched its first suicide prevention program in 2015 (1) alongside its National Mental Health Program which was in existence since 1997 with an emphasis on building the capacity of primary health care workers in managing mental health and suicide prevention and improve accuracy of reporting.
Taipei: Reflections on a Hybrid Conference from an Early Career Presenter
While I yearned to experience Taipei in-person, exploring the city with its rich history and cultural heritage, and networking with fellow researchers, the hybrid conference presented itself with many benefits.
2020 IASP Hybrid Asia Pacific Conference, Taipei
In association with the Taiwanese Society of Suicidology, we are delighted to have hosted IASP 2020 and hope that many of you were able to join us. We were thrilled to offer this conference to our members and supporters across the globe as a truly hybrid event.
IASP – Suicide Prevention During COVID-19
On October 14th 2020, thanks to IASP, we held our informal meeting of IASP national representatives. One of the opportunities that COVID-19 allows us is to practice online gathering since we cannot have conferences to meet and chat. Representatives from around the world gathered in a Zoom room to greet one another, share experiences, and start a process of brainstorming and collaboration.
Message from the President
As I conclude my term as President of the International Association of Suicide Prevention (IASP), I reflect gratefully on two years of wonderful experiences. The conferences, symposiums and meetings I have had the privilege to lead have provided me the opportunity to strengthen relationships with colleagues, expand my skillset and increase my knowledge base of the field.
From the SIG: Boys and Men
The Suicide Prevention for Boys and Men is a new IASP Special Interest Group. Dr. Zac Seidler and Dr. Kylie King co-founded the group in response to a need for a targeted, gendered approach to boy’s and men’s suicide prevention. Global estimates suggest that one man dies by suicide every […]
TRIPLE i Virtual Conference 2020
Last year we celebrated 10th anniversary of the Triple I – intuition, imagination and innovation – in suicide conferences. Back then, we were considering how to go on – what would be a good form to continue our wish to promote intuition, imagination and innovation in research and prevention of […]
Decriminalisation of Attempted Suicide – IASP Policy Position Statement
Decriminalisation of Attempted Suicide – IASP Policy Position Statement Members of the (IASP) recently ratified & passed a policy position statement on the decriminalisation of attempted suicide. This is an important step in suicide prevention & suicide awareness policy and advocacy efforts and supports current international efforts for mental health […]