
20 Days of Hope

Marking 20 years of suicide prevention awareness and action

For two decades, World Suicide Prevention Day has been a catalyst for change by raising awareness, reducing stigma and encouraging action to prevent suicide and suicidal behaviour. Help us bring global attention to this cause and to raise funds to support 20 more years of vital suicide prevention awareness.


Donate Today and Be the Difference

Your contribution makes a huge impact. Join us in our 20 Days of Hope and help us shape a world where every individual knows they are not alone. Together, we can make a difference.

Over the next 20 days, we aim to raise crucial funds to expand the reach of our awareness programmes, enhance resources, and support those in need. Every dollar donated contributes directly to our global mission to prevent suicide.

Your contribution matters. By donating today, you become an advocate for hope. Together, we can amplify our impact, reach more individuals in crisis, and provide vital resources to encourage understanding around suicide.


World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) was established in 2003 in conjunction with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and is a significant advocacy and awareness event aimed at reaching national organisations, governments and the general public, giving a singular message that suicide can be prevented.

Spread the Word

Your support extends beyond donations. Share our mission with friends, family, and colleagues. We want to create a movement of compassion, understanding, and support for suicide prevention. 

Join the Movement

Together, let’s turn 20 years of suicide prevention awareness into a legacy of hope. Join us for these 20 days as we inspire change, offer solace, and pave the way for a more understanding future. 

What can you do? 

World Suicide Prevention Day Impact Report 2023

The theme, ‘Creating Hope Through Action’ has continued to ignite us to be the light for others in 2023, providing a platform for advocacy, awareness and support to reach and serve those who need it most.

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